Why choose us?
Curated in Los Angeles, CA
In an effort to offer a more environmentally responsible supply chain method, our lighting is shipped factory direct to order. Since we cut down the amount of times goods have to be moved, this not only keeps our prices down by saving on expensive warehousing and additional shipping costs, it also saves us the additional unnecessary carbon impact on our planet. In short, you should be proud of yourself for shopping with us!
Feel Good About it
Shop Small
Sure, you could help rich guys get richer by shopping big box stores, but instead you value the importance of shopping small. With every purchase from a startup business, just know someone on the other end of the computer is doing a happy dance, and you made that happen. Go you!

Have you met
She is the CCO (Chief Cuddle Officer), at Bungalow & Co., and feels strongly about giving back to her friends in the local shelters. After being picked up on the streets of Long Beach, CA as a stray puppy, Popcorn can personally vouch for the second chance these shelters offer to amazing pets. As such, Bungalow & Co. will donate a percentage of sales to help rescue pets across southern California. #adoptdontshop